Discount cards can be used for different purposes. Many people use it for getting discounts while traveling from one place to another. Discount cards are especially famous among students who out of the country for studies. Students migrating from one country to another can get a lot of adequate rebates and discounts by using discount cards. Students going to Australia can get lots of benefits such as discounted bus fares back and forth to the university and other places.
On possessing any of the two following cards, the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) and International Youth Travel Card (IYTC), students get adequate discounts. Students pursuing full time courses can avail special discounts as well. Many cards allow students to get discounts on buying movie tickets, air flights, adventurous activities, and tour & travel options. However, not every facility accepts discount cards. So, it is important to gather relevant information before hand. Usually, by having an ISEC card can give about ten to fifty percent discounts from all partnering businesses in areas of entertainment, dining and traveling facilities. Many cards do provide flight insurance for travelers to help students to deal with embarrassing situations such as bankruptcy on the flight and other related issues.
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